Macbook Python Editor

Macbook Python Editor

февраля 10 2021

Macbook Python Editor

Greetings everybody.
I'm creating this post to get some guidance in regards to Python programming on MacOS with VoiceOver.

Recently I decided to learn this programming language , and since I also recently purchased a MacBook Pro I wanted to make the best use of it and do some coding. Unfortunately I have yet to find an efficient way to do this.

So far I download the Python package from the Python website:

But when I tried to use IDLE (which as far as I understand s the IDE that comes with it by default) and tried to use it as the course I'm taking explains, I notice that the text on IDLE is not been read by VoiceOver .

Emacs – Python Editor cum IDE. Emacs has an ecosystem of its own. It is the GNU text editor which is extensible and highly customizable. When it comes to Python programming, Emacs can be configured in such a way that it gets transformed into a fully functional free Python IDE. A text editor is at the core of a developer’s toolbox, but it doesn't usually work alone. Work with Git and GitHub directly from Atom with the GitHub package. Create new branches, stage and commit, push and pull, resolve merge conflicts, view pull requests and more—all from within your editor. PayCharm is a cross-platform IDE used for Python programming. This editor can be used.

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Also I downloaded XCode because I founded a tutorial on how to use Python on it. I tried to do it but of course since it made by a sighted person it is kind of hard to follow. I was able to do it to a certain extend but and stuck at this moment.

That is why I'm reaching you guys, to get some feedback and also maybe some suggestion on how to do this because I'm really interested in doing this.

Best regards.


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Long days and pleasant nights.

Macbook Python Editor

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