Macbook Word Processor

Macbook Word Processor

февраля 20 2021

Macbook Word Processor

Pages is a popular word processing software created by Apple. It is available for all Apple devices including iPhone, iPad, and Mac. So, it becomes the de facto MS Word alternative for Apple users.

Every Mac comes with Apple’s iWork apps: Pages (word processor), Numbers (spreadsheet), and Keynote (presentations). And these apps can import Office documents. Here’s how you can open Word. The Best Free Word Processing Software app downloads for Mac: TextMate TextMate Apache OpenOffice FormulatePro Plain Text Editor Microsoft Word EndNot.

/Mac Tips /Top 10 Word Processors for Mac in 2020 (Free & Paid)

The majority of the reasons why people purchase a Machine whether it’s windows or Mac, that’s because work or school-related you might be confused to choose from a lot of options. And that’s why we have the list of top Word processor for Mac to guide you. There are paid applications and some you can download for free. We will also show its features and benefits and all you have to do is to select what’s best for your needs

Article GuidePart 1. Best Paid Word Processors for MacPart 2. Top Free Word Processors for MacPart 3. Bonus Tips: How to Deal with Your Messy Word DocumentsPart 4. Conclusion

AbiWord is another word processing program similar to Word. AbiWord is a cross-platform program that you can run on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux. WPS Office comes next into our list. WPS is a free office suite comes with a word processor, a spreadsheet program and a presentation maker. Mellel is the leading word processor for Mac OS X, and has been widely considered the industry standard since its inception! This program features full Hebrew/English writing with highly Advanced Capabilities for Professionals It was designed especially for scholars, creative and technical writers, but is an excellent choice for anyone seeking.

Part 1. Best Paid Word Processors for Mac

MS Word 2019

This is the most popular word processor for Mac so far; Microsoft has already proven its competency for a long time. They get to innovate applications and tools that they have a reason behind they already have a version for 2019. Through continuous innovation MS Word with its wide-ranged capability, you can use it whether you are just doing a simple letter construction up until you can even use it as a reporting material since it has charts and graphical representation capability.

One of its newest update that it has Smart Look Up in a way that it's connected to the internet. For example, you are reading a document and there are words that are jargon for you, you can select those words or phrases and get a better understanding through the internet which word can do for you automatically. Also, the 2019 package includes Translator in which it can translate different languages, plus you can customize the texts on how you would like your screen to look like. The coolest thing is that since Microsoft already launched the Microsoft Office 365 you can access and work on your files via web browser even you are in your iOS version.

The range of the cost can go from $6.99/per month or $69.99/per year, MS Home and Student package that has PowerPoint and Excel can cost $149.00/per year, though we highly recommend for you to get Microsoft Office 365.

iA Writer

If you are passionate about writing, or the nature of your work is mainly on writing then you might like this word processor for Mac application. This was launched back in 2010 and was created for iPad, then they launched the next versions also included with Windows, Mac, and Android, the most recent application is already the Third Generation released and had about three updates.

It will allow you to focus on what you are writing due to some of its features are when you start writing the toolbar or menu bars will disappear though it looks very minimalistic since its goal is for you to enjoy writing. The background of the app is colored light-gray, single-spaced, and a cursor. Has also the capability to do some color coding when you use adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs also conjunctions.

It can cost you $29.99 but it’s a one-time payment only.


This is another minimalist word processing tool, its main feature is its utilizing Markdown to help you create an internet-friendly content, some of the ad ins can be cross-references, tables, and footnotes. Other features include full-screen, Handoff, and Split View. It can also be connected to your iCloud storage directly to save your files using their App.

This word processor for Mac tool also works like an old school typewriter in which the text scrolls whenever you write it makes you see the passage that you are typing. It has a connection with WordPress, Blogger, Evernote, and Tumblr in which whatever you write can be published directly.

It's more affordable and you can get it for $10.99, if your works are mostly online then this could be a fair deal for you.


If you write novels or screenplays, also do some blogging then you might like this word processor for Mac application, people who are in the same industry are using Scrivener. About 7 years ago they launched this for free with paid upgrades, then it became successful that’s why they integrate the application and made it a paid app. It has a lot of templates that you can use whether you choose to write short stories, poetry, and screenplays. It helps you organize your writings as well due to it has a collection of your documents and sub-documents, it also has resources for your research.

Scrivener has a dual-screen option, wherein you can write on one of the screens and the other screen could be your sources or references. You can make a summary for records just as including watchwords and other metadata. Another board permits you to include references and another makes it direct to take a preview of an archive and move back to it later, on the off chance that you need.

How to download pages app

When you're prepared, the Compile highlight makes it simple to pull all the archives and sub-reports in an undertaking together prepared for printing or fare, including to the Kindle eBook group. There's likewise an iOS rendition, as well, so you can make in a hurry.

You can get this word processor for Mac application for $45.00.


In the event that Scrivener is too much for your writing needs, Ulysses offers a less difficult alternative. It joins components of iA Writer, for example, Markdown backing and uninterrupted writing, with a record library like that in Scrivener. What's more, it has an iOS application, so you can swap effectively among iOS and MacOS when you're writing a document.

Though in Scrivener, you make another file for each document you are doing. Ulysses works somewhat in an unexpected way. Its interface looks similar to macOS's Finder and, similar to the Finder it gives access to every one of your documents, however from inside the application. You can adjust the brightness of the screen automatically since its built-in, for instance, shading palettes. Ulysses has a typewriter looking over mode like those in Byword and iA Writer and furthermore has a part screen see like the one in Scrivener.

Though this word processor for Mac app just had minimal updates since it was launched but improved with new capabilities every update.

The cost is $4.99/per month or $39.99/per year.


The Mac has a few decent screenwriting applications; however, the default decision has consistently been the Final Draft. At a fifth of the cost of Final Draft, Slugline has bounty to offer. It's intensely centered around composing and utilizing the keyboard, instead of using a mouse, to design for your content.

Along these lines, for instance, type a name and it's shown in capital letters, and the content designed for scripts. You may start another scene by composing INT. or on the other hand EXT. also, Slugline knows you're going to compose activity. Organizing is additionally utilizing keyboard one reference bullet either side emphasizes content, two and the content is made strong. You can insert notes to contents, make traces, and cover-up, instead of erasing pieces of duplicate.

Slugline records are spared as plain content so you can chip away at them on a word processor on any stage. Also, when you're prepared to send out, you make a PDF fit to be shared or printed.

The cost of this word processor for Mac app is $39.99.


It is a good application in the event that you need to draft blog entries on your Mac and submit it to the web straight. It has the advantage of closely resembling an advanced Mac application on account of its plan and is likewise accessible for iOS with help for Handoff. You can utilize Blogo with self-facilitated or websites, just as with Blogger and Medium. It helps Markdown for composing and altering, however, you can likewise work in rich content. On the off chance that you like, be that as it may, you can utilize the inline HTML mode.

There's a fundamental picture editorial manager worked in and the Preview permits you to perceive how your post will look when you present it on your blog. You can plan posts and a program augmentation makes it simple to include web content posts. The essential rendition, which is all that numerous clients will require, is free of charge. A membership-based Pro form is likewise accessible, and that includes support for numerous web journals and highlights like adjusting drafts with Evernote and directing remarks.

Its cost is also minimal you can get it for $2.99/per month or $24.49/per year.

Free Macbook Word Processor

Part 2. Top Free Word Processors for Mac

LibreOffice Writer

This word processor for Mac tool offers features what Microsoft office has. You can use it in almost all document files that you may need like .docx and .doc that is what makes them more accessible.

Wizards permit you to immediately set up notices and letters. It also has styling tools and formatting. What's cool about it has a prediction text feature it makes suggestions as you go along in typing. Its tools could also help you to make indexes and tables of contents for lengthy writing. Its website also contains a template that is available for download if you would like to add some tools on this writer you can just visit their website.

LibreOffice comes up short on the clean of Office 2019 and doesn't have similar highlights to permit you to effectively take a shot at archives on an iOS gadget just as your Mac. Be that as it may, as a free application pretty much it's a good application to use.

Google Documents

Google spearheaded the electronic application technique for working, so you can take your work at any time and anywhere as long as you have a Machine and internet connectivity. It's a nice alternative for taking a shot at documents all alone, with the principal advantage being that you can chip away at them any place you're signed in to your Google account, be it on your own Mac, an iOS gadget, or anyplace you approach an internet browser.

Multiple users can also access the document since you can share it with them, but of course, you have to allow permission to have access to a particular user. It is anything but an instrument we'd decide for writing however as a method for sharing thoughts, making records and reports, drawing up records, or sharing content utilized by various individuals from a group - state, standard duplicate for stories on a site, or posts on a blog - it's magnificent, particularly as staying up with the latest is so natural.


Every innovation the goal is to make your writing look extraordinary as it has been tied in with giving you incredible composing instruments. The most recent form, notwithstanding, is an exceptionally capable composing application without a doubt. Just as help for advances, for example, Force Touch and Split View on MacBook. Pages make exchanging among macOS and iOS as simple as it could be. The utilization of iCloud as a capacity for records implies you can take a shot at them any place you have a Mac, iOS gadget, or access to an internet browser.

Be that as it may, what separates Pages from others is its help for Handoff, which means you don't need to spare and close a report on one gadget before shifting forward. There are numerous augmentations to Pages in late forms, the one that did not change is their powerful templates that are very easy to use. They made it more accessible through you can insert images from your photo library or in any location on your Mac. You can also customize the color schemes or fonts that are in the template.

Pages is a completely included, current word processor for Mac tool, what really makes it good it is actually for free.

Part 3. Bonus Tips: How to Deal with Your Messy Word Documents

If you are working on a lot of articles, documents or projects there is always a possibility that you’ll have numerous drafts, and some of the unusable files you tend to forget to clean up your storage. Especially when you write or work on such big documents it could take up space on your storage.

When your system's performance becomes slower it might affect the cool features of the writing app that you are using let’s say the predictive text might not work due to a slow computer. It's always best to have iMyMac Mac Cleaner handy to help you get rid of large files that you no longer need.

How to Use iMyMac Mac Cleaner

  1. Visit our website then download and launch iMyMac Mac Cleaner
  2. On the left side of the screen select on Master Scan or Large & Old Files
  3. Press Scan then it will display all of the files that are trash on your system, then select on the ones that you want to remove
  4. At the bottom right of the screen click on the Clean button
  5. It will display the amount of storage that was cleaned and the remaining storage of your Mac
Macbook Word Processor

Part 4. Conclusion

It is indeed always important to have a word processor for Mac, and its best to consider first if it will cost you or if it's for free. If your nature of work is writing then its very good to invest in great writing platforms which could really help you and work as an assistant, but if you just needed for simple documents then you can get the free ones.

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Some of us are old enough to recall life before word processors. (It wasn’t that long ago.) Consider this sentence:

How did we survive in the days before every last one of us had access to word processors and computers on our respective desks?

That’s not a great sentence — it’s kind of wordy and repetitious. The following sentence is much more concise:

It’s hard to imagine how any of us got along without word processors.

The purpose of this mini-editing exercise is to illustrate the splendor of word processing. Had you produced these sentences on a typewriter instead of a computer, changing even a few words would hardly seem worth it. You would have to use correction fluid to erase your previous comments and type over them. If things got really messy, or if you wanted to take your writing in a different direction, you would end up yanking the sheet of paper from the typewriter in disgust and begin pecking away anew on a blank page.

Word processing lets you substitute words at will, move entire blocks of text around with panache, and apply different fonts and typefaces to the characters. You won’t even take a productivity hit swapping typewriter ribbons in the middle of a project.

Before running out to buy Microsoft Word (or another industrial-strength and expensive) word processing program for your Mac, remember that Apple includes a respectable word processor with OS X. The program is TextEdit, and it call s the Applications folder home.

The first order of business when using TextEdit (or pretty much any word processor) is to create a new document. There’s really not much to it. It’s about as easy as opening the program itself. The moment you do so, a window with a large blank area on which to type appears.

Have a look around the window. At the top, you see Untitled because no one at Apple is presumptuous enough to come up with a name for your yet-to-be-produced manuscript.

Word For Macbook Pro Free

Notice the blinking vertical line at the upper-left edge of the screen, just below the ruler. That line, called the insertion point, might as well be tapping out Morse code for “start typing here.”

Indeed, you have come to the most challenging point in the entire word processing experience, and it has nothing to do with technology. The burden is on you to produce clever, witty, and inventive prose, lest all that blank space go to waste.

Okay, got it? At the blinking insertion point, type with abandon. Type something original like this:

It was a dark and stormy night

If you typed too quickly, you may have accidentally produced this:

It was a drk and stormy nihgt

How Do I Use Pages Online

Fortunately, your amiable word processor has your best interests at heart. See the dotted red line below drk and nihgt? That’s TextEdit’s not-so-subtle way of flagging a likely typo. (This presumes that you’ve left the default Check Spelling as You Type activated in TextEdit Preferences.)

You can address these snafus in several ways. You can use the computer’s Delete key to wipe out all the letters to the left of the insertion point. (Delete functions like the backspace key on the Smith Coronayou put out to pasture years ago.) After the misspelled word has been quietly sent to Siberia, you can type over the space more carefully. All traces of your sloppiness disappear.

Delete is a wonderfully handy key. You can use it to eliminate a single word such as nihgt. But in this little case study, you have to repair drk too. And using Delete to erase drk means sacrificing and and stormy as well. That’s a bit of overkill.

Use one of the following options instead:

  • Use the left-facing arrow key (found on the lower-right side of the keyboard) to move the insertion point to the spot just to the right of the word you want to deep-six. No characters are eliminated when you move the insertion point that way. Only when the insertion point is where it ought to be do you again hire your reliable keyboard hit-man, Delete.
  • Eschew the keyboard and click with the mouse to reach this same spot to the right of the misspelled word. Then press Delete.

Macbook Word Processor Free Download

Now try this helpful remedy. Right-click anywhere on the misspelled word. A list appears with suggestions. Single-click the correct word and, voilà, TextEdit instantly replaces the mistake. Be careful in this example not to choose dork.

Macbook Word Processor

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