Apple Udif Read Only Compressed

Apple Udif Read Only Compressed

февраля 11 2021

Apple Udif Read Only Compressed

  1. Apple Udif Read Only Compressed
  • UDRW UDIF read/write image UDRO UDIF read-only image UDCO UDIF ADC-compressed image UDZO UDIF zlib-compressed image UDBZ UDIF bzip2-compressed image (OS X 10.4+ only) UFBI UDIF entire image with MD5 checksum UDRo UDIF read-only (obsolete format) UDCo UDIF compressed (obsolete format) UDTO DVD/CD-R master for export UDxx UDIF stub image UDSP.
  • Apr 11, 2019 Available only on Mac computers that have the Apple T2 Security Chip, Startup Security Utility offers three features to help secure your Mac against unauthorized access: Firmware password protection, Secure Boot, and External Boot.
  • How do I remove Apple UDIF read-only compressed (bzip2) Media? - Macbook Air (Early 2015)OS X El Capitan 10.11.3Intel Core i5 I have at least 3 of these Disk Images on my Disk Utility screen an.
  • There have been overtures from Apple promising these libraries will be released to the general public at no charge, but I've seen no progress in this effort since November of 1995.' -from TidBITS #339 'UDRW UDIF read/write image UFBI UDIF entire image with MD5 checksum UDRO UDIF read/only image UDCO UDIF ADC-compressed image.

Fix 'Could not validate source' error when trying to burn ISO file to USB stick.


MyUSB stick is then renamed to 'OS X Base System' and in Disk Utility there is a disk image named 'Apple UDIF read-only compressed (zlib) Media (OS X Install ESD)' I did try a reinstall with the OSXupdcombo10.11.4 installer, which runs flawless and also with the Install OS X El (which is also the 10.11.4 version), but all without any result.

1. Issue

I was trying to burn an ISO image file to my USB stick by Mac OS Disk Utility. But Disk Utility failed to burn and give me an error: 'Restore Failure Could not validate source - invalid Argument'.

After googling the issue, I found that the error is caused by incompatible image file formats. Disk Utility expects Apple Disk Image, including the Universal Disk Image Format (UDIF) and the New Disk Image Format (NDIF), while the format of ISO image file is ISO9660.

Following is a list of Apple disk image formats, according to man page of hdiutil command:

Firstly I attempted to convert the ISO file to a UDRW image file, a kind of UDIF format.

The result of above line is a dest.img.dmg file. (My Mac OS X appends .dmg ending to the output file automatically.)

Then I tried to burn the .img file using Disk Utility, but the burning still failed with 'Could not validate source' error.

2. Solution

The solution is using Linux dd command instead of Disk Utility GUI.

Checking the mounted point of USB stick:


The output was something like this:

I assume that the device node of USB stick is: /dev/disk2.

Unmount it before burning, otherwise dd command will complain the stick is busy.

Then burn the image file to USB stick using dd:

Apple Udif Read Only Compressed

Unmount the USB stick after finishing:

Apple Udif Read Only Compressed

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